football and composition: why not?

football and composition: why not?

It’s very interesting to watch the Broncos vs. Ravens game on TV while reading “The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing”

These are the things I learned:

1.  What do they mean by “pass rush”?  Is it something that is desirable for your QB or no?  And who is responsible for this “pass rush”?  Husband’s patient explanation was clear.  (Well, turns out that “pass rush” is actually quite literally named.)

2. The very interesting history of composition as a discipline of study – its complex relationship to rhetoric and literature.  Should the “compositionists” – didn’t know this word existed… but now that I know of it, I will be using it all the time – break for independence?

3.  What is the receiving team doing at kickoff?  How are they deciding when to catch the ball or when to let the ball roll into the end zone?  I’ve asked this question several times before and I was given good answers but never could quite grasp it.  I’m sure anyone with better understanding of sports in general and football in particular would have understand what I’m sure was a clear explanation.  But not me.  I thought I got it. But I don’t got it. So I read this.  I think I get it now. (But ask me a couple of weeks from now to see if I really got it.)

4. “If rhetoric is epistemic, then there can be no language that does not require interpretation. As Richard Rorty shows, modern philosophers have failed to define a value-neutral language in which purely objective and rational arguments can be conducted.” Yes.  Also, I became aware of key terms that really I must learn more about: “contact zone” and “borderlands.”  Sound intriguing, right?

5. The Ravens QB Joe Flacco has no one to whom he can throw that ball.  No one.

That is all for today.

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